Cambridge Literary Festival - Maya Goodfellow: Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats

Saturday 18 April 2020
Palmerston Room - St John's College
CLF - Maya Goodfellow: Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats

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The ‘hostile environment’ was the proud creation of a government keen to reassure voters that it had immigration under control; at the same time, our television screens showed us pictures of refugees drowning in the Mediterranean and a country riven with discord unleashed by the EU referendum. When studies show the benefits of immigration and refute the idea that it places a strain on public services, where does this scapegoating come from? Maya Goodfellow marshals the latest research in this sharp-eyed investigation.
In conversation with Anoosh Chakelian, Britain Editor of the New Statesman
Event type:
Running time:

1 hour

Approximate and subject to change.