Cambridge Literary Festival - David Wallace-Wells - The Uninhabitable Earth

Thursday 9 April 2020
Cambridge Union Chamber

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We are very sorry to announce that the David Wallace-Wells & Caroline Lucas event on the 9th April has been cancelled due to COVID-19 risks. All tickets for this event will be automatically refunded after the 9th April. If you would like to donate the cost of your ticket to support the festival, contact directly with the subject "David Wallace-Wells" and the word 'DONATE'.
We are sending everyone our best wishes at this difficult time.
Kindest regards
The Cambridge Literary Festival team
As we enter the new decade with floods surging and fires raging it is impossible to deny that the global climate crisis is here and accelerating. David Wallace-Wells joins us to discuss his ‘epoch-defining book’ which provoked an unprecedented debate on the global climate emergency. Based on conversations with scientists his cover story in New York magazine in July 2017 starkly presented a series of worst-case scenarios for global heating and became an immediate sensation, reaching seven million readers in 24 hours, and his book The Uninhabitable Earth has turned into an international phenomenon.
This event launches our series of events, Guest Curated by Caroline Lucas MP, reflecting on the  Climate Crisis to provoke urgent discussion, inspire action, and provide an opportunity for you to put your questions to the experts.
David Wallace-Wells is deputy editor of New York magazine where he writes frequently about climate change and the near future of science and technology.
Caroline Lucas is a Green Party MP and author of the best-selling Honourable Friends: Parliament and the Fight for Change.


Event type:
Running time:

90 min