Cambridge Literary Festival Lindsey Hilsum - The Life of War Correspondent Marie Colvin

Saturday 24 November 2018
Palmerston Room - St John's College
Glamorous, hard-drinking and braver than the boys, Marie Colvin reported from the most dangerous places in the world, fractured by conflict and genocide.

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Right up to her death in Syria in 2012, she bore witness to the horrifying truths of war, shining a light on the suffering of ordinary people. Fellow foreign correspondent and Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum, author of In Extremis, a new biography of Colvin, joins us to tell the story of our turbulent age, and of the most daring war reporter of our generation.
In conversation with Bridget Kendall, journalist, broadcaster and Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge
Event type:
Running time:

1 hour