Friday 23 February 2024 to Saturday 24 February 2024
The Robinson Theatre, Hills Road
Based on Puccini’s “La Bohème” and set in the East Village of New York City, Rent School Edition follows a group of friends as they struggle to survive.
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Jonathan Larson kept the heart of Puccini’s story, but transposed it from Christmas in Paris
to a freezing New York at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Rent went on to win the Tony
Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama; it became a pop cultural
phenomenon with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences of all ages.
Rent School Edition is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. It is a
show that will make you laugh, cry, and rage against the system.
Rent School Edition has an advised age restriction of 12+.
Event type:
Running time:
2 hours 15 minutes approx. (with 15 minute interval)